DZ Phoenix Alumnae Chapter Since 1948

That's Over 75 years Strong!

You must click SUBMIT to go to the payment site as all reservations must be prepaid by September 23, 2017

Come join Delta Zeta as we meet and experience the dolphins at Dolphinaris. This is a family friendly ΔΖ Beach Club Party and Kick off Event for Phoenix Delta Zeta Alumnae Chapter. The event is $20 per person or $50 per family of four. We hope to see all Delta Zeta families, friends, alumnae, and active members on September 24th at our Phoenix Chapter kick off event. All questions with an  * must be filled out to be taken to the payment site. Prepaid reservations must be made by September 23rd.

You must fill out all information requested where there is a * or you will not be taken to the payment site.