🐢 Phoenix Alumnae Chapter and Pi Zeta Chapter at ASU received the Gertrude Houk Fariss Award at the DZ National Convention in July 2016! This top award is awarded jointly to an alumnae and collegiate chapter, to recognize outstanding alumnae-collegiate chapter programming and activity. We have shared programs and activities, with the collegians inviting and including the alumnae individually and as a chapter. Our alumnae have responded by assisting the collegiate chapter in their programs, activities and serving on the advisory and house corporation boards. It's good to have the punch bowl back in AZ for the second time in ten years. Congrats to all for our truly amazing cooperation and sisterhood.

Executive Team

President:Lee Ann Witt-president@deltazetaphoenix.com

Vice President: Gretchen Muccillo-gmuccillo@cox.net
Treasurer: Lorna Green-lornagreen47@gmail.com
Secretary: Dena Cuningham-dcunning251@cox.net
Philanthropy: Natalie Schade-nataliesmue@gmail.com
Panhellenic Delegate: Ashlee Lepa-ashlee_lepa@yahoo.com
Panhellenic Alternate: Susan Norman- dzarizona@cox.net
Media: Susan Norman- dzarizona@cox.net

Please contact any executive team member for information on any of the sisterhood events, luncheons, philanthropy opportunities or membership. Check out Sisterhood Events page for calendar.

Contact  Us

Phoenix Alumnae Chapter

"The purpose of this sorority shall be to unite its members in the bonds of sincere and lasting friendship"
- from Constitution of Delta Zeta Sorority

Welcome to the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter of Delta Zeta sorority. We are a group of Delta Zeta alumnae in the Phoenix Metro area looking to carry on the values, traditions, and sisterhood of Delta Zeta. We are always looking for new sisters to join the chapter.

You may ask yourself why you should get involved in your area alumnae chapter. "Sororities are just a college thing."  Not so!

As Delta Zetas we learn that there are three stages of membership: new member,  your active collegiate years, and the longest and most significant period which is as an alumnae member of Delta Zeta. Join us at one of our next events or sisterhoods.

 DZ Phoenix Alumnae Chapter Since 1948

That's Over 75 years Strong!